Massapequa Skin Specialist

Making the skin of your dreams, reality.

Welcome to the start of a luxurious relationship between you and your dream skin.

Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in. Here’s to loving the skin you’re in.

The Unbounded Story

I’m Gina Marie, your Aesthetician & Skin Care Coach.

Feeling confident in your own skin is your superpower. With a passion for skin health driven by a knack for research, I believe it is my sole purpose in life to make you feel irresistible in your bare skin. Together, through our dedicated partnership with skin science, you’ll walk away feeling empowered, enlightened, and aligned with your divine self.


Book your Unbounded Experience

Take action towards healthier skin.


The Skin Speakeasy

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Client Love

I have been working with Gina for almost a year now. When I first started, my skin was dry, irritated, constantly red and I struggled with a lot of acne. She always makes sure to tell me exactly what she is doing or giving me and exactly how it will help me. She is understanding and honestly the best hype woman because she can relate herself - she’s had skin struggles too, and works hard to make sure that we can overcome ours like she has overcome hers! The results I have seen are AMAZING and I look forward to only going up from here!


Absolutely LOVE Gina. She has cleared up my skin and I am so grateful for her and her services. She is very knowledgeable and you can see she genuinely cares about your wellbeing. I am a lifelong customer!! Thank you Unbounded Aesthetics!


She’s so professional yet is able to explain everything so that it makes sense. The products she recommends, without at all being pushy, are amazing! Super happy so far with my progress and can’t wait to continue! Gina Marie is simply the best and I am so thankful to have her helping me to get my skin healthy!
